After considering dental implants for over 6 months, I took the "plunge" and set about having a series of exams and estimates done in Austin, Texas, my city of residence.
Good thing that MedTrava is based here, too!
After discovering the costs and care associated with my surgery, I decided to go through your company for this pretty extensive procedure. Your staff made it so much easier for me to do than I could have EVER done myself.
From identifying the BEST professionals to screening the procedure thoroughly, you guys were with me every step of the way! I set off on February 10, 2009 and I am now back home and back at work with renewed confidence and mending very well.
I could not have been happier with my surgeon. Her care and sincerity were coupled with professional knowledge that I never anticipated. The decision to have the complete procedure done in hospital was far different and much more manageable than the alternatives I had been offered here in the U.S. on an outpatient basis.
Since I do not have health insurance coverage, this would have never been affordable here and the preservation of my overall health would have been compromised.
I also elected to have a complete physical, which I had not had in over 10 years. I was surprised to learn of some issues that I had that I have been able to manage with the support of the wonderful doctors at Wockhardt Hospital. This alone was worth the trip!
The care in hospital was FAR superior to any I have ever experienced in the U.S., anywhere! The food and shopping were AMAZING...I came back with a great smile and deeper friendships; I am looking so forward to returning to the beautiful city of Bangalore with friends in August for my permanent teeth! |